The term pH (denotes the potential of hydrogen’ or ‘power of hydrogen) is a scale used to measure the acid or alkaline value of an aqueous solution. It indicates the activity of hydrogen ions (ions are molecules that carry a positive or negative charge) in a water-based solution.
Let’s understand this with an example; Lemon juice has a pH value of 2 is considered very acidic. In contrast, ammonia has a pH of 12 and is considered highly alkaline, also referred to as basic, as in acids and bases.
Technically the skin itself does not have a pH. It is the secretions from our body that provide a pH value to our skin. The skin’s surface and the uppermost layers are naturally acidic. Research studies indicate that our skin’s pH value ranges between 4.7 to 5.5
Our skin has a protective film on its surface that’s known as its acid mantle. The acid mantle plays a significant role in protectingthe skin’s surface and the lower layers from external threats.
Skin’s acidic pH also plays a significant role in keeping its delicate microbiome balanced. An acidic microbiome makes it very difficult for harmful pathogens to multiply but lets the good environment flourish.
Skin pH can get affected due to various reasons and can be classified into two main categories. i.e., external & internal.
The weather has a direct impact on your skin. How it affects you personally is dependent on several factors, including your skin type and level of exposure. For many, skin tends to get oilier in the summer and turns dry in winters.
Environmental pollutants, commonly known as particulate matter (PM) can significantly affect the skin balance. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid the pollution in the air altogether for those living in urban areas. Hence it is essential to use the right skincare regime to help protect against its impact on your skin and prevent premature skin aging.
Factors such as age, race, gender, genetics, biochemical differences affect the skin’s pH. However, skin’s optimum pH can be maintained with healthy lifestyle choices & a regular skincare routine.
Everything in our universe is about balance, and skincare is no exception. Improper skin hygiene can lead to various skin conditions and infections, but over-cleansing the skin can also cause harm and irritation. Hence, appropriate skin care is crucial for the skin’s natural pH level.
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